High profile crane disasters have made national news in 2019. These are devastating stories with devastating effect on lives and corporate liability. Companies that own and deploy cranes need independent third-party crane inspection services to protect your operators, your business, and all those who work anywhere within proximity to cranes. Yes, routine crane inspection services is about so much more than regulatory compliance.
Crane companies usually stock a variety of make and models which heightens the risks for accidents. Most companies simply don’t have the expertise to be able to thoroughly test and evaluate every single model owned by the business. OSHA requires frequent recurring inspections of the equipment regardless of the type. To ensure they are operating at top condition. our crane inspection services provide for early detection of defects or excessive wear that can compromise the safety of the operator and those working near it.
We guarantee that our crane inspection and maintenance services deliver both value and peace of mind to the business owner. To learn more about routine crane safety inspection, contact ETS Inspection and Services.