In the electric power distribution industry, a hot stick is and insulated pole, usually made of fiberglass, used by the electric utility workers when engaged on live-line working on energized high-voltage electric power lines, to protect them from electric shock. Depending on the tool attached to the end of the hot stick, it is possible to test for voltage, tighten nuts and bolts, apply tie wires, open and close switches, replace fuses, lay insulating sleeves on wires, and perform various other tasks while not exposing the crew to a large risk of electric shock.
OSHA mandates that hot stick equipment be inspected and certified every two years. But we also can help you get the most out of these expensive business assets. We provide cleaning and waxing services, conduct repairs, dielectric testing, certification and labeling as well. We’ve delivered hot stick certification, repair, and maintenance to Boston-area business for years now.
We’ll make your business operations safer, more efficient, and cost effective by providing you regular and recurring hot stick support services. To get started, contact ETS Inspection and Testing.