A lineman will tell you that a fundamentally important piece of protective equipment is their specialized rubber insulation gloves. Those same linemen will tell you that this piece of equipment must be routinely tested and verified as fully functional and that nothing scares them more than personal protective equipment that is not thoroughly tested and maintained. Electrical servicing companies across Boston routinely turn to ETS Inspection and Testing Services’ electrical safety glove inspection services to keep their linemen not only safe but confident that their firm has their back.
All electrical protective equipment must be maintained in a safe and reliable condition according to OSHA. The gloves must be visually checked for any signs of wear and tear prior to use. It should also be checked for any signs of swelling for this indicates chemical contamination. No matter how slight the swelling is it is still a cause of concern. The protective device should be removed from service if any signs of defects are noted upon inspection.
Glove air test should also be performed to check for any leakage since the gloves are filled with air. If your electrical gloves are due for testing, contact ETS Inspection, and Testing. We will ensure your protective gloves are safe to use and will protect you and your staff from electrical shock while dealing with live lines and high-voltage cabling systems.