Electrical Distribution Board Installation and Service

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ElecComm - Telecommunication Network Installation, Boston, MA

Electrical distribution is something that intimidates many people and actually this is probably a good thing. The more we respect electrical power, how it is distributed, and how it is protected the safer we all are. Electrical distribution boards can be a mystery, and today we hope to educate you all on this very subject.

The electrical distribution board houses all the circuit breakers, earth leakage units, doorbells and timers. The distribution board ensures that electrical supply is evenly distributed in the building. Its main purpose is to keep the building and its people safe. While installing an electrical distribution board, it is the “home plate” for the safety mechanisms that keep you, your family, and your business safe. The entire supply of electrical power comes from the network to the building which is all connected via an electrical distribution board.

Distribution boards are versatile by design. You may have multiple electrical distribution boards for various parts of your building. They will be controlled by a switch disconnector. It is necessary that it has sufficient space for other wires, fixtures and cable, considering it is very easy to install as long as it is not close to any water splashes.

Further, an electrical distribution board varies depending on the structural and technical aspects on each area and its electrical requirements. It is normally purchased as empty enclosures, a ready-to-use wired standard unit or something specially manufactured and designed on the user’s requirement. It is important to invest in the necessary components which an electrical distribution board is licensed to have a fuse link, a bus bar, a residual current detector and bypass equipment. This is for protection against shock or fire and the residual current detector is required.

To learn more about electrical distribution, contact ElecComm.