Here is a partial list of companies we work with:
ElecComm's core business focus is on the installation, removal and maintenance of overhead and underground electric/communications distribution systems.
1.1 Distribution circuits and DSS line Reconductoring for Capacity. This work involves the installation of 3-700FS 15kV and 3-500FS cable and associated heat or cold shrink splicing.
1.2 Reconductoring of DSS Lines for reliability.
1.3 New Customer project. The scope of work involves the installation of 15kv cable, splicing and terminations.
Splicing Capabilities
All cable sizes including, not limited to: 1000Kcml, 700, 500, 300, 250, 1/0, and 2str.
Heat shrink or Cold shrink: (Raychem, 3M etc.)
For all above cables sizes (but not limited to):