Fiber Optic Splicing - Which Method to Use? - Wilmington, MA

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Telecommunication network design installations now incorporate an important process known as fiber optic splicing. When done right, it can do wonders to the telecommunication network. But not too many know what fiber optic splicing is really about. Understanding the pros and cons of each splicing method is extremely important when making an educated decision about which to use. Here is some useful information to get you started:

Fiber optic splicing in Wilmington, MA can be of two types – fusion splicing and mechanical splicing. When compared, fusion splicing is fast becoming the preferred option for most people in the business. This can be attributed to the fusion splicer machine which precisely aligns two fiber ends before welding them together using an electric arc ensuring an excellent connection between the fibers. This technique can be performed by either fusing one fiber at a time (single fusing) or fusing 12 fibers in a single operation (mass fusing).

Mechanical fiber optic splicing has many noteworthy benefits too. While it does not permanently join two fibers together, the splice precisely holds them together enabling light to pass from one fiber to the other. Because it does not require one to invest in adding a fusion splicing machine to one’s toolkit, mechanical splicing typically costs less upfront than fusion.

To find out more about the two types of fiber optic splicing in telecommunication networks, contact ElecComm.