Golf course netting for driving ranges has become more and more important as the popularity of golf and ‘hitting a bucket’ has skyrocketed. Golf course netting is a good investment that guarantees many benefits to your driving range. Golfers can enjoy the game without risks and you are protected from liability.
Protect your golf course and driving range by investing in driving range netting and poles. These businesses entail risk to both spectators and players. That is why safety and protection should come first. Golf range netting systems help prevent unexpected damages to nearby houses and businesses. It also protects cars and pedestrians in the area. Golf course poles and nets also separate the driving ranges from the active course area.
The requirements to your golf course may vary based on location and weather. Specialized golf netting products and durable steel poles are needed in installing golf range netting systems. Redden nets are the best golf course netting in the industry, for a longer life and better safety. The poles and nets should be custom-built to match each golf course's requirements and preferences.
For more information on designing and installing golf range netting systems, checkout ElecComm.