As the housing market faltered and more people were renting there was an increase in construction of apartments and condos. Even as the housing market improves, the apartment complex and condominium construction boom continues.
The increase in apartments and condos also requires new electric line construction and the electrical infrastructure improvements that are required to add hundreds of housing units to the ‘grid’.
Many of these apartments and condos are luxury homes. This means that not only are electric lines required , multiple phone lines and cable for all rooms is also necessary. Most of these lines are being run underground, however new poles and transformers are also needed.
For large, important electric construction jobs, large commercial construction companies entrust ElecComm. With staff adept at project management, construction companies can count on ElecComm to keep the project on schedule and on budget.
For all new electric line construction needs, or for improvements to existing electric infrastructure, trust ElecComm, contact Us.